Thursday, December 27, 2012

 dreidel counting

 painting wood for menorah

Yud daled kislev/ yud tes kislev

 Alef beis bingo

 Yud daled kislev

 Esti's art work; The Alter Rebbe in the boat saying kiddush levono

 putting the napkins in the cups for the Yud Tes Kislev Seuda

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Parshas Vayeitzei

 meir's art work; the twelve shvatim + dina

 Ya'akov and the stones around him

Thursday, November 22, 2012

 Mazal tov for Meir's new baby sister!

 Yaakov with the 12 stones around him
 playing together

 Yaakov, 12 stones + ladder
alef beis + komatz in sand
 wells craft

 Challah baking for Chayei sarah
 cutting vegetables for lentil soup

 eating lentil soup for Parshas Toldos

 making lentil soup with kita Alef

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Parshas chayei sarah

 Shabbos party
 pouring water from the well into pitcher ( thank you Family Stein for sharing the well)

 painting the well for our class
 matching class names to it's face

making bracelets

Thursday, November 1, 2012

 making aleph-beis
 a ches
 lange chof, kof , chof

 preparing pudding for our guests

 different activities
 counting activity/ put the corresponding amount of marbles in.
 lima beans with aleph-beis written on them, matching it to the right letter

 sorting healthy/ unhealthy food for parshas vayeira, avraham was sick, how we can stay healthy